Saturday, April 19, 2008


Just a quick update while I procrastinate on studying...

Mom and baby are doing quite well. There are pictures posted on the Facebook page, or you can check out the Global news story here

We can expect more babies along the way...

Applications for placement are now being accepted. Please go to the Rescue 100 website and view horse placement.
Remember we are looking for forever homes for these horses, they all deserve them.

The hearing for the two men accused of this attrocity is being held Monday morning in the Vegerville Provincial Courthouse.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Baby Time!!!

So we had our first rescue foal yesterday. She is an adorable little filly out of mare # 16. She is a chestnut but will definately grey out. I wasn't there to witness her birth but I was told she did have difficulties nursing at first. When I got out there she was relaxed lying in her stall, but did stand up when I came over, and started nursing.
More updates as they come....

Thursday, April 3, 2008


The horses continue to do well, they are devouring the hay.Mini got his feet done today by our farrier, and now gets to enjoy the sunshine with his good friend. I'm sure its much better than the stall they were cooped up in for a while.
Most of the stud colts we found got gelded this past week and have recovered well. Some of the soon to be moms are really starting to show, it will be fun when there are babies on the ground.

The horses are enjoying all the grooming that the volunteers are giving them. Kelvin, our trusty stable hand is in need of some help around the farm however. Caring for 94 extra horses is alot of work and all the help is wonderful. Deliveries come frequently and there is always need for help to unload.

Good news, a new website should be up and running soon. Everyone is quite busy with caring for the horses, as well finals are just around the corner for us college/university students. Show season is not far behind.